Stittsville Farmer’s Market

Work From Home in your She Shed

She shed office

Work from Home in your She Sheds She Sheds have been making a comeback in recent years prior to the Stay Home Stay Healthy year of 2020. As we all adjust our businesses and work from home, many realize that having a space is so key to productivity. This is my second She Shed. We […]

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I am not a Foodie

Moroccan spiced soup

Hate to Cook? Me too. yes, I hate to cook……I can hear your wheels turning, “but you are a Nutritionist?” I get it… may seem contraindicating to be a holistic nutritionist and not enjoy cooking. But in my life, food was never about nutrients, macros, antioxidants and fuel. I did not grow up thinking this […]

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TED Radio Hour on NPR

Stittsville Farmers MArket-Suzanne Tate CNP

A Long Drive Home While on a long drive home from a hockey game in Cornwall Ontario (yes we won) there was a perfect show for me to tune into. Fascinated with the topic and guests, I new this one was a must share. TED Talks I can spend hours in the TED Talk replays, […]

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Tinyoffice-Athebarn-Suzanne Tate Certified Nutrition practitioner

Who wouldn’t want a #tinyoffice? This space looks sooooo different now. As you can see in the pic above, the “tinyoffice” or she shed was just being delivered. This whole craze for a “tinyoffice” started when we bought our new house with a gorgeous little cozy shed in the back yard. I declared immediately, “this […]

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Lion’s Mane At The Barn

Lion's Mane Mushroom - Suzanne Tate Certified Nutrition PRactitioner

Stittsville Market At The Barn The goal originally was to host a farmer’s market that had a holistic spin. This past weekend we were treated with the opportunity to purchase Lion’s Mane Mushroom from Forest Floor Mushrooms from Almonte. Not only do these mushrooms taste amazing, but they now have started to have recent research […]

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Stittsville Farmer’s Market At The Barn

Nutrition and Stittsville Farmers Market-Suzanne Tate

Sundays at The Farmer’s Market At The Barn When you graduate from applied nutrition training, you enter a huge world of nutrition information coming at you from every angle, wellness coaches, Dr google, books, tv shows, advertising and all levels of people sharing diets. So how do you truly impact someone’s health if they have […]

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